Thursday, December 27, 2007

Shannon's Top Twelve of 2007

Hey Everyone!

Because of the holidays, Oddwalk is not blogging as much as we usually do. Instead of an entirely new blog post, I've decided to give you my top 12 blog posts of the year. It isn't so much a collective top 12 as it is a top post for each month. Feel free to disagree and let us know about it! Here you go:

June - The Vatican Drives It's Point Home

July - Madeleine Tries To Understand The Seventies

August - Oddwalk's Big Announcement

September - Orin Scandalizes An Entire Audience

October - Orin Finds Out What Happens When A Ford Escort Reaches 200,000 Miles

November - An Alabama Parish Feels the Keytar Mystique

December - A Fall Filled With Large Animals

There are a lot of other great posts that I could have mentioned. These are just a few of my favorites. Thanks to all of those who check in with us regularly!


1 comment:

  1. Not much too argue with, I don't think. Thanks for the 2007 recap!
