Monday, June 30, 2008


This past Saturday, seventy (or so) high school students took the stage at the Shrine Ampitheatre for the Youth Sing Praise performance of Lost and Found. They did not disappoint. It was evident that the long week of auditions, rehearsals, and prayer paid off. Congratulations to all involved. Here are a few pictures from the performance (thanks to Marianne Cline for the first three. Thanks to for the rest):

As we've mentioned before, Orin and Erin were also part of the week. Orin served as the Prayer Coordinator. Here are a couple of pictures highlighting some of the prayer and environment:

Erin's role for YSP was to direct the Helper's Team. Since there is a lot the Helper's Team does and there weren't really any good pictures that could illustrate her work, I chose this one:

Congratulations, again, to all those who worked to make Youth Sing Praise 2008 a tremendous success!

1 comment:

  1. You act like takes its own photos, when really, it's just The Other Other Erin. You're welcome!! Seriously, though, it was a great show, a great week and I'm thankful for the 49 weeks and 5 days of relative rest until the next one!
