Monday, July 9, 2007

Oddwalk Polls

So, Blogger has added (in beta) an ability to add simple polls to the blog. Check out the first one, over there in the sidebar.  It will be active for two weeks.  You may select multiple answers (unless you only have one answer).  I guess having no answer is acceptable too, but if that's the case, then why are you even visiting this blog?


  1. Wow Shannon! You really are loved! At the time I voted, you had 100% of the votes! (And it was 4 out of 4...not 1 of 1) ;) Orin and the wives...50%! Poor Matilda the Gorilla and the Oddwalk Keytar...50%. You still have 13 days though!

  2. SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! Typo! Orin and the had 75%! Oops! Hee! Hee! :-)

  3. haha. i love how the wife are more popular than anyone else...

  4. That is pretty funny...I love you all though!
