Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Listening for God

This is only Tuesday, and it's already been a pretty busy week.  Due to some circumstances out of my control, Fr. Jamie Smith (the associate pastor at the parish where I work as youth minister) and I had to scramble to put together a three-hour program for about sixty-five 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.  The event was a big success, but I wasn't sure that we would continue to have it once a month as I had originally promised.  That was mainly because I am already pretty busy and the thought of adding to my schedule makes me really anxious.  Throughout the course of those three hours though, five or six volunteers stepped forward to say that they would be more than willing to help me out in the future.  It was really cool.  God was using them to speak to me.  Their offer will allow me to provide more opportunities for our parish youth to deepen their faith in God.
Sometimes our idea of what should or shouldn't be happening is contrary to what God is calling for in that particular situation.  I think it's really important to listen for God's voice.  It's likely to come when you are least expecting it.

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