Monday, April 28, 2008

First Communion Fun

Orin's niece-and-godchild Madelyn celebrated her first communion yesterday in Hokah, Minnesota. The day was filled with unique places and moments. Here are a few:

The 2nd-graders around the altar for the eucharistic prayer.

After communion, the class sings "His Banner Over Me is Love"

The "Reserved Pew" banner, made by Madelyn

St. Peter's in Hokah.  See below:

It really is on the 4th floor!

At the reception, three stories down, on our reserved table.

Apparently, many students had been learning Roman history.  There were many informative signs up with Top 10 lists.  This one, on Roman clothing was probably one of the best.  Note #5: "The Romans knew how to make hoods" and #10: "At 5,000BC, everyone wanted a fur coat."

The hotel thought the afternoon party was for a 7 year old's graduation, I guess.


And this morning: snow!  We even drove through a bit on the way to the airport and saw a recently jack-knifed trailer in the ditch.

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