Monday, March 3, 2008

NFCYM 2006 Videos

Hi All,

I know we just got back from LA Congress, and soon we'll have videos up and more stories and stuff and things about that trip, but here are a few videos that just were posted by Oddwalk friend Gene from December 2006's Adult Youth Minister's Conference (put on by the NFCYM) in Las Vegas.  Oddwalk was a part of the comedy venue on that trip, and helped with these funny skits. Thanks Gene, and to Bob for scripting the skits and to all the folks who helped put them together and perform them.

Here's "Great Moments in Youth Ministry"

Here's "Lesson's Learned in Youth Ministry"

And here's ""


  1. Well done, all of you! That brightened my day.

  2. Orin, you can send me a flyer any day.
